Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Humor in Parenting

For those of you who know me pretty well you have heard me say, "Give me a houseful of boys before one girl" know that I love my nieces very much, but there's something so different (besides the apparent obvious!). Well, I wasn't exactly saying those very words when Carson was about 18 months old. In a matter of months he had gone from my laid back, can play by myself for hours baby to my crawling up the baptismal, fit- throwing, never- ending ball of energy toddler. I remember my hairdresser even asking me one time if he was ADHD! HA! Well, even though that time seem to last forever, one day Carson just woke up and became the calm, laid back child he used to be. I can't explain it... except that it was God.

Well, fast forward 4 1/2 years to the present and Carson is now in Kindergarten (that in itself is hard to wrap my mind around). He's doing absolutely wonderful! I work in his classroom once a week and get to observe for myself just how clam he is--- yes, I said calm!

So,you can imagine how proud I was when I walked into his school last Friday to this picture hanging on the walls of one of the main hallways:

One of the parents of the students in Carson' s classroom took this picture on a field trip to the Pumpkin Patch! It is absolutely beautiful! (It also helps that she's an amazing photographer!) Well, my advice to all of you moms or dads out there struggling with your wild and crazy kids is that it does get better!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Lasts a Week in This House

So, it started with the Hoedown last Sunday, then a Halloween/Chili Supper at my grandmother's nursing home on Thursday, then Friday morning Carson had Candy Day in his classroom, then for some trick or treating on the square, and finally ending it with some trick or treating in Gramma's neighborhood with cousins and aunts and uncles. So, my question is... how did this holiday become a week long event?!?!?
All right, I know it sounds like I'm complaining, but we really did have a good time doing all of those things and made some wonderful memories in the process. I just can't help but think what Christmas is going to look like if Halloween is becoming a 7-day event (not to mention the fact that Keith set up for Hoedown a week prior to it- HA)?
On a more positive note... If you know my family (which most of you do) then you know I have some of the most creative family members- a super talented sister, a mother - in - law and dad who should be getting paid big bucks for their artwork and sisters - in - law who could be on the DIY network for their creative flair!!! So, as I was talking to one of the creative sisters - in- law, Heather, she told me about an idea that she got from another blog that talked about The Jesse Tree. Now, I may have been living under a rock for the last several years, but I had never heard of a Jesse Tree. It comes from Isaiah 11:1 which talks about the coming of the Messiah. The Jesse Tree starts on December 1 and with it is a daily devotion involving ornaments, etc. It's too lengthy to explain, but if you Google Jesse Tree you will find out more information. I just thought it would be another way to focus on the true meaning of Christmas and help our family focus on Christ and not so much on the "hype" and commercialism of it all! Thanks for the idea, Heather!