Sunday, February 22, 2009

"TV? Who Needs TV?"

Last week our family decided to "fast" from television from Monday through Friday. This was a time for us to reconnect as a family and kind of get our priorities "in check". We have done this several times in the past, but I am always amazed at how much that "thing" is on and, unfortunately, how I will use it as a babysitter while I try to get dinner fixed (okay, okay, don't throw stones). So, now we're into the next week--- will we go back to our old habits?? I sure hope not. I seem to do pretty well at only allowing the kids certain times to watch television. The problem seems to be ME! After the kids are in bed and I'm snuggled in my own, the channel surfing seems to begin. So, I am determined not to get back into this terrible habit. I am allowing myself 30 minutes of television a day AND, if there's nothing else worth watching, (which is almost always the case) there will be NONE! Surely, I will get caught up on all of the books I'm so far behind on!!!!
Carson reading to Daddy!
Candy Land is a favorite in the Posch house!

Playing games with the boys!

It's An Israel Feast"!

Have you ever really processed how blessed you are? Okay, this is not going to be one of those "deep" entries or anything, but last Thursday night I had one of those moments where you feel like, "How did I ever get so lucky to be blessed with a group of women in my life like these?" Let me try and explain:
For the last (almost) 3 years I have been fortunate to be a part of a wonderful ministry at church-- The Mostly Mommies group. I have been facilitating a group of my own for about 2 1/2 of those years. Over the years the faces have changed (with the exception of a few faithful ones-- Cindy, Rebecca, Kaci), but a little over a year ago Bonni came on to help me! Words cannot describe what a beautiful, spirit-filled woman she is--- God is so good! Anyway, over the months we lead the group together and God brought the most special women into our group. Then, over the last couple of months I felt God leading me to do (or maybe not do) something different. As I explained this to my girls that I was stepping down I was amazed at how gracious and encouraging they were!
So, I'm getting to my point... As a way of saying "thank you," the girls wanted to throw a party for me-- with a theme and everything! WOW! I can honestly say I haven't had a party thrown for me since I had slumber parties as a kid!!! Anyway, knowing what fabulous cooks the girls are, I asked for an Israel theme (Bonni and her family were missionaries in Israel for several years before moving to TN). And, boy, did they come through!!!
There was tabbouleh salad, falafel, challah bread, Odessa Chicken, hummus, Israeli salad, and baklava! Is your mouth watering yet? Well, let me tell you... it was truly the most delicious food I've tasted in a very long time! Makes me want to visit the Holy Land even more!!!
After eating we had a time of reflecting over the last couple of years --- which, yes, brought tears to my eyes several times and then a time for prayer. I was surrounded by some mighty prayer warriors. I wait in anticipation for the healing God has blessed me with--- through the prayers of these girls!
So, I just wanted to thank all my Mommies Group for making my "exit" such a special one. I am excited for what God is doing in each of their lives and all of the AWESOME plans He has for them (and me).
Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow!

Mel and Miranda

Mel and Kaci

Cindy and Mel

Carmen, Rebecca and Angela

Shannon- one of my oldest and dearest friends!

Bonni- The hostess with the Mostest

Kristin and Jennifer

A Feast Fit for a King