Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Signs of Spring

Spring has sprung and the Posch's are soakin' it all in! We loaded up on Zyrtec and Sudafed and headed outdoors to enjoy the beautiful weather! Yesterday we even got a little sun on our faces! The kids loving playing on the play set and running around the yard! Now, I know we are scheduled for rain the rest of the week, but for now, we are enjoying the great outdoors!
Beanie Weenie hangin' with the boys!
Campbell had just woken up from a nap-- hence, the hair!

Peace man!

AAGGHH! It's a Snike!!

Okay, before you e-mail me and tell me I spelled something wrong, read on... Upstairs in our bonus room we have an art easel that the boys like to draw on. Today Carson told me to come up so he could show me something. He had filled up the whole side of the easel with pictures and words he had written. So, as I'm reading it says, "A Big Snike" and then there's a picture of a snake. I read it out loud and praised him for such a good job, but the teacher in me said, "Sweetie, that's wonderful, but I think you spelled snake wrong." And, as always, Carson rebutled with, "No, mom, I can speak Australian." Now, I am going to give you a minute to let that soak in and listen to yourself carefully as you say it out loud---- now you can laugh!
That child never ceases to amaze me--- and make me laugh! On our way home from Chik-Fil-A tonight he asked me what the International Dateline was???? Keith and I are in so much trouble!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Melissa Gets Crafty!

Okay, okay stop your laughing! I know it's quite hysterical to think that Melissa might actually have a creative bone in her body, but trust me! You will actually be impressed by my creative flair--- if only for a fleeting moment! So, what was the inspiration you ask? Well, Carson's class has "Fun Friday Snack" each week and a different child is assigned per week. Last time we did this I was at a loss so, after e-mailing the teacher for suggestions, she said to send in Fruit Loops and juice boxes. Now, for those of you who are veteran moms you're probably saying, "dried cereal--- boring!" Well, I was just doing what I was told. So, anyway, the snack was less than climactic, especially since I found out other parents were bringing in things like "Dirt Cups" and honeybuns!!!
So, I fell under the pressure to perform this time and starting racking my brain to find something cute. Oh, and the other kicker is that there is a child in Carson's room DEATHLY allergic to peanuts, peanut products, milk and eggs! So, the search began. Well, low and behold, if I didn't find something C-U-T-E and appropriate for the season----- yes, folks, they are Jelly Bean Nests!!
I will close here as to allow you to "ooh" and "awe" over my inspiring creations and also to give hope to those "less than Martha Stewarts" out there!!! The internet is a wonderful thing!!!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Do I have a Green Thumb????

So, after being in our house nine years I have finally convinced Keith to let me have a garden!! YAY! I'm so excited! I went and got the "Complete Idiot's Guide to Vegetable Gardening" and am reading it cover to cover. We are doing a "raised" garden because my friend and garden extraordinaire, Allison, says it is the easiest way to keep out the weeds and critters. So, this weekend we headed to Lowe's. After pricing the lumber (ouch!!!- almost $100 for a box!)we decided to go a little smaller than I'd hoped, but we can always build on next year. So, I am doing an 8 x 10 this year. We are only in the beginning phase, but wanted to show you our beginning to end process. If you attend WOC then you are very familiar with Pastor Philip's tomato stories. Well, by the end of this summer you, too, will be hearing tomato stories as well as many other "veggie" tales!! HA! I crack myself up!!! So, for now, I say, "Happy Gardening!"

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Fun in the Snow!

So, Sunday morning the people of Middle Tennessee woke up to snow! Now, I know, you're probably thinking, "people in Tennessee don't know what snow is?," but you're wrong! We had the actual real white stuff. The kind that makes the best snowmen and snowballs! Of course, what would good snow be without some snow cream as well. I have to admit though, I remember it tasting so much better as a kid!
Most of our morning was spent outside with the boys as they made snow angels and had snowball fights. I managed to get a few pictures of our home before the kids ran through it!
It was a great day and we were thankful it came! Now, on with Spring! Bring on the 80 degree temps!Making snow angels
A Winter Wonderland!

Making snow cream

7 Inches!!

The boys enjoying the snow!