Sunday, February 15, 2009

Has Spring Sprung?

The weather in Tennessee never ceases to amaze me!We have spent the last week in 60- 65 degrees temps. during the day and down into the 30's at night--- and they wonder why we have so many sinus issues around here! Unfortunately, this is just a little tease from Mother Nature. The high today will only be 50 (a little cold for me!)
The kids were out of school on Friday so our neighbor friend, Mallory, spent the day with us! Carson always loves it when she comes over--- they giggle all day long. I love it when she comes over because she is the best little helper! :) They had a great day! As you can see from the pictures, they spent a lot of time outside on the play set and then later that day Keith took them to the Greenway Trailhead that will soon be opening up close to our house-YAY! And, of course, little Ella LOVES to swing!
I guess the Posch household has a little bit of Spring fever--- we're ready to plan a camping trip, work out in the yard, plant my first-ever garden, ride bikes on the Greenway and enjoy our backyard play set! And who said life was complicated???
Just a Swingin'
Mallory, Ella, Carson and Campbell


Lisa said...

Whew, that video scared me. I thought the girl was going to go down the slide on that chair!!!

Bethany said...

So fun! I here ya on the 'Spring Fever' Love the video too!