Thursday, May 28, 2009

May Day, May Day, It's Almost June!

So, in Heather's blog she states that this has been one of the busiest months ever--- well, I have to agree! After Easter it never seemed to slow down. First, it was a fun weekend away with my Bunko Babes (what a GREAT trip, by the way!). Then it was onto Character Quest preparation. This year I'm taking on a new role so I''m trying to get all of my volunteers in their right places, etc. Then we've had 2 weeks (EVERY DAY) of swimming lessons. Carson did a great job and really showed some great improvement! He's ready for the beach! Last week was Kindergarten Graduation--- and I don't just mean a cute little program--- I mean, the "Room Mom" had to organize refreshments, decorations, etc. for the special event. Keith and I have started teaching a Growing Kids God's Way class at church on Wednesday nights. And during all of this Carson has been playing soccer (or at least playing when it's not monsooning!!!). Poor little Campbell has just had to go along for the rie, but seems to make little friends everywhere he goes!
So, needless to say, we are ready for summer!!! Yes, the good, hot, sticky days of summer are just around the corner. I can almost taste the fresh, home- grown tomatoes, cook-outs with the family and the breathtaking smell of the ocean air (coming in only 1 1/2 short weeks!). AAHHH! Does it get any better than this?
The Graduate
Things are moving right along with our little garden!

Carson looks a little different with straight hair!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

So, I realized that it has been a month since my last post so I thought I'd catch you up on some of the things we've been doing:
Carson was on Spring Break for 2 weeks in April and we had a great time with the little man! We went on play dates, did lots of playing outside (when it wasn't raining or freezing!), he had a chess match with his teacher one morning, and we even made a day at the Zoo. Our attempts at camping were not successful due to the weather (which was a good thing because an F-0 tornado came through on the very weekend we were to camp). But trip to the Zoo was great! It was both Ella's and Keith's first time to venture to the Nashville Zoo and (I think) they both really enjoyed it!
Although I don't have any pictures posted of it, Carson has started Spring Soccer. He's having a great time too! His friend from school is on his team so that makes it even better-- and I have someone to talk to during practices! :)
Of course, Easter is BIG in our family--- when half of your family works at the church EVERYONE tends to get involved in the preparations!! You've got Matt working on the Ops team and getting everything actually over to Murphy Center and cleaning up TONS of confetti, Heather working with 4 & 5 year olds, Keith doing all of his "techy" stuff, Kim and Richard taking care of Bunny pictures and counting people, Mary Helen doing all of the dancing and praise for K- 3rd, me helping with interpreting, and Bethany and Jeramy helping Craig and Pam organize the Easter feast and annual Egg Hunt at their house. WHEW! I'm tired already!! As you can see from the pics we had an absolutely wonderful time! And Charlie Daniels rocked the Murphy Center as our musical guest!! God is so Good!
So, hopefully, it won't be another month before a post, but maybe after you read this you'll show me a little mercy!!! Until next time...
The 3 Musketeers
Our trip to the Nashville Zoo during Carson's Spring Break!

An attempt at getting all the grandkids for a pic--- seriously, why do we try??? :)

Don't they look handsome!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Signs of Spring

Spring has sprung and the Posch's are soakin' it all in! We loaded up on Zyrtec and Sudafed and headed outdoors to enjoy the beautiful weather! Yesterday we even got a little sun on our faces! The kids loving playing on the play set and running around the yard! Now, I know we are scheduled for rain the rest of the week, but for now, we are enjoying the great outdoors!
Beanie Weenie hangin' with the boys!
Campbell had just woken up from a nap-- hence, the hair!

Peace man!

AAGGHH! It's a Snike!!

Okay, before you e-mail me and tell me I spelled something wrong, read on... Upstairs in our bonus room we have an art easel that the boys like to draw on. Today Carson told me to come up so he could show me something. He had filled up the whole side of the easel with pictures and words he had written. So, as I'm reading it says, "A Big Snike" and then there's a picture of a snake. I read it out loud and praised him for such a good job, but the teacher in me said, "Sweetie, that's wonderful, but I think you spelled snake wrong." And, as always, Carson rebutled with, "No, mom, I can speak Australian." Now, I am going to give you a minute to let that soak in and listen to yourself carefully as you say it out loud---- now you can laugh!
That child never ceases to amaze me--- and make me laugh! On our way home from Chik-Fil-A tonight he asked me what the International Dateline was???? Keith and I are in so much trouble!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Melissa Gets Crafty!

Okay, okay stop your laughing! I know it's quite hysterical to think that Melissa might actually have a creative bone in her body, but trust me! You will actually be impressed by my creative flair--- if only for a fleeting moment! So, what was the inspiration you ask? Well, Carson's class has "Fun Friday Snack" each week and a different child is assigned per week. Last time we did this I was at a loss so, after e-mailing the teacher for suggestions, she said to send in Fruit Loops and juice boxes. Now, for those of you who are veteran moms you're probably saying, "dried cereal--- boring!" Well, I was just doing what I was told. So, anyway, the snack was less than climactic, especially since I found out other parents were bringing in things like "Dirt Cups" and honeybuns!!!
So, I fell under the pressure to perform this time and starting racking my brain to find something cute. Oh, and the other kicker is that there is a child in Carson's room DEATHLY allergic to peanuts, peanut products, milk and eggs! So, the search began. Well, low and behold, if I didn't find something C-U-T-E and appropriate for the season----- yes, folks, they are Jelly Bean Nests!!
I will close here as to allow you to "ooh" and "awe" over my inspiring creations and also to give hope to those "less than Martha Stewarts" out there!!! The internet is a wonderful thing!!!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Do I have a Green Thumb????

So, after being in our house nine years I have finally convinced Keith to let me have a garden!! YAY! I'm so excited! I went and got the "Complete Idiot's Guide to Vegetable Gardening" and am reading it cover to cover. We are doing a "raised" garden because my friend and garden extraordinaire, Allison, says it is the easiest way to keep out the weeds and critters. So, this weekend we headed to Lowe's. After pricing the lumber (ouch!!!- almost $100 for a box!)we decided to go a little smaller than I'd hoped, but we can always build on next year. So, I am doing an 8 x 10 this year. We are only in the beginning phase, but wanted to show you our beginning to end process. If you attend WOC then you are very familiar with Pastor Philip's tomato stories. Well, by the end of this summer you, too, will be hearing tomato stories as well as many other "veggie" tales!! HA! I crack myself up!!! So, for now, I say, "Happy Gardening!"

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Fun in the Snow!

So, Sunday morning the people of Middle Tennessee woke up to snow! Now, I know, you're probably thinking, "people in Tennessee don't know what snow is?," but you're wrong! We had the actual real white stuff. The kind that makes the best snowmen and snowballs! Of course, what would good snow be without some snow cream as well. I have to admit though, I remember it tasting so much better as a kid!
Most of our morning was spent outside with the boys as they made snow angels and had snowball fights. I managed to get a few pictures of our home before the kids ran through it!
It was a great day and we were thankful it came! Now, on with Spring! Bring on the 80 degree temps!Making snow angels
A Winter Wonderland!

Making snow cream

7 Inches!!

The boys enjoying the snow!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

"TV? Who Needs TV?"

Last week our family decided to "fast" from television from Monday through Friday. This was a time for us to reconnect as a family and kind of get our priorities "in check". We have done this several times in the past, but I am always amazed at how much that "thing" is on and, unfortunately, how I will use it as a babysitter while I try to get dinner fixed (okay, okay, don't throw stones). So, now we're into the next week--- will we go back to our old habits?? I sure hope not. I seem to do pretty well at only allowing the kids certain times to watch television. The problem seems to be ME! After the kids are in bed and I'm snuggled in my own, the channel surfing seems to begin. So, I am determined not to get back into this terrible habit. I am allowing myself 30 minutes of television a day AND, if there's nothing else worth watching, (which is almost always the case) there will be NONE! Surely, I will get caught up on all of the books I'm so far behind on!!!!
Carson reading to Daddy!
Candy Land is a favorite in the Posch house!

Playing games with the boys!

It's An Israel Feast"!

Have you ever really processed how blessed you are? Okay, this is not going to be one of those "deep" entries or anything, but last Thursday night I had one of those moments where you feel like, "How did I ever get so lucky to be blessed with a group of women in my life like these?" Let me try and explain:
For the last (almost) 3 years I have been fortunate to be a part of a wonderful ministry at church-- The Mostly Mommies group. I have been facilitating a group of my own for about 2 1/2 of those years. Over the years the faces have changed (with the exception of a few faithful ones-- Cindy, Rebecca, Kaci), but a little over a year ago Bonni came on to help me! Words cannot describe what a beautiful, spirit-filled woman she is--- God is so good! Anyway, over the months we lead the group together and God brought the most special women into our group. Then, over the last couple of months I felt God leading me to do (or maybe not do) something different. As I explained this to my girls that I was stepping down I was amazed at how gracious and encouraging they were!
So, I'm getting to my point... As a way of saying "thank you," the girls wanted to throw a party for me-- with a theme and everything! WOW! I can honestly say I haven't had a party thrown for me since I had slumber parties as a kid!!! Anyway, knowing what fabulous cooks the girls are, I asked for an Israel theme (Bonni and her family were missionaries in Israel for several years before moving to TN). And, boy, did they come through!!!
There was tabbouleh salad, falafel, challah bread, Odessa Chicken, hummus, Israeli salad, and baklava! Is your mouth watering yet? Well, let me tell you... it was truly the most delicious food I've tasted in a very long time! Makes me want to visit the Holy Land even more!!!
After eating we had a time of reflecting over the last couple of years --- which, yes, brought tears to my eyes several times and then a time for prayer. I was surrounded by some mighty prayer warriors. I wait in anticipation for the healing God has blessed me with--- through the prayers of these girls!
So, I just wanted to thank all my Mommies Group for making my "exit" such a special one. I am excited for what God is doing in each of their lives and all of the AWESOME plans He has for them (and me).
Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow!

Mel and Miranda

Mel and Kaci

Cindy and Mel

Carmen, Rebecca and Angela

Shannon- one of my oldest and dearest friends!

Bonni- The hostess with the Mostest

Kristin and Jennifer

A Feast Fit for a King

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Bunko Babes!

Growing up my parents got together with a group of friends once a month and played a game called Bunko (some spell it Bunco). The only thing I knew about it was that once a year they hosted it, a theme and prizes were involved, and alcohol was usually present (okay, okay, don't' get all uptight they didn't' get drunk or anything!!!???!!--- they were Catholic!). So, as I grew older and needed time out of the house every once in a while I started asking around to my friends about getting a Bunko group together. Well, I usually got 2 responses: 1. What in the world is Bunko? and 2. Sure! I played once as a fill- in for someone and it was really fun! So, being the planner I am I decided to start a group with some of my friends.
Now, for those of you who are totally lost as to what Bunko is, let me just say this... it is a dice game that requires absolutely no skill. So, are you ready to start your own group knowing the requirements? HA!
So, I play with 8 other girls which means that we have 2 tables (4 each). Each girl takes a month to host it at her house. The host feeds us (whether it's dinner, heavy hors' deuvers, sweets, etc.---- just no alcohol!) and usually doesn't play that night unless someone can't come. Each player puts in $5.25 each. I won't bore you with the details of how we score, etc., but I will say that someone will leave with $25, one person with $10, one with $5, and one with $2 in quarters! This year we even included an extra prize for the most baby bunkos!
The whole point for this is to have a great time once a month and to laugh your head off--- and that, we do! If you're looking to start a Bunko group go online and Google Bunko or Bunco! I promise - you will have a blast!

Has Spring Sprung?

The weather in Tennessee never ceases to amaze me!We have spent the last week in 60- 65 degrees temps. during the day and down into the 30's at night--- and they wonder why we have so many sinus issues around here! Unfortunately, this is just a little tease from Mother Nature. The high today will only be 50 (a little cold for me!)
The kids were out of school on Friday so our neighbor friend, Mallory, spent the day with us! Carson always loves it when she comes over--- they giggle all day long. I love it when she comes over because she is the best little helper! :) They had a great day! As you can see from the pictures, they spent a lot of time outside on the play set and then later that day Keith took them to the Greenway Trailhead that will soon be opening up close to our house-YAY! And, of course, little Ella LOVES to swing!
I guess the Posch household has a little bit of Spring fever--- we're ready to plan a camping trip, work out in the yard, plant my first-ever garden, ride bikes on the Greenway and enjoy our backyard play set! And who said life was complicated???
Just a Swingin'
Mallory, Ella, Carson and Campbell

Sunday, January 25, 2009

PETA Fans May Want to Bypass This Blog

If, by chance, you are a member of PETA I would recommend you not read this post! Okay, there's your warning.

So, Keith, Uncle Jeramy, and Mr. Lance all took a trip to Missouri last weekend to go duck hunting. The weather was so cold, though, and they spent much of their time cutting through ice!! They were even able to ride 4-wheelers across the frozen tundra (they're crazy if you ask me!) So, according to the mighty hunters "there weren't many ducks flying," so they came home with only 6 little creatures.
Monday was going to be a lesson in "the circle of life" (A.K.A. field dressing the little suckers!). I was certain that my highly sensitive 6- year old would either cry or get squeamish. Either way, I headed out with the boys with camera in hand. Much to my surprise I think I might have a second generation "mighty hunter" on my hand! Carson gladly plucked feathers, handled the duck, and even used his handy dandy pocket knife to uh, how do you say it nicely, "prepare" the fowl! I have to say, I was quite impressed! Campbell, on the other hand, might not be so "into " the whole hunting thing!!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

If there's one thing I love about the new year is the thought that one can "start over and try again". It's a chance to learn from one's mistakes, a chance to improve upon the previous year, a chance to look at last year and thank God for the many blessings in my life and the chance to look forward to what God is going to do. And that's what I'm doing!
I obviously have much to improve upon---- one of those being my weight. This is something I've struggled with since having babies and it doesn't seem to get better with age (like a fine wine or even cheese!). So, this year I have a goal to lose significant weight, but to also be healthy about it- which includes exercise.
As I look back on last year, I'm not sure that the choices I made were necessarily "mistakes," only life lessons. As many of you know I've been praying for boldness over the last few years as well as the Prayer of Jabez (1 Chronicles 4:10). In that prayer I have asked God to "enlarge my territory" (and, no, that's not a sales position-HA!). Well, God has certainly done that. He grew me in ways I can honestly say I probably wasn't prepared for--- but when are we ever fully prepared when God is working! This process has required me to reflect upon where I'm spending my time and examine my relationships. So, this year I have made it a goal to try and surround myself with people that will encourage me and help me grow spiritually-- as well as I do the same for them. I hope that doesn't' sound conceited in any way--- I don't mean for it to--- I only mean that our time is valuable and limited here on this earth. I want to be intentional for every minute that I spend on it.
I also have to reflect on last year and thank God and give Him all praise and glory. I believe in a God that is a God of healing and restoration, a God of hope. And although, this arthritis still seems to be "hanging out" with me, I believe with all my heart that God's healing hands are wrapping themselves around me at this very time. I am anticipating His healing power and being a testimony for God's love for all of us.
So, this is just a post to say what I'm anticipating in 2009. Our nation is going through a lot of changes (most of them not good) and I can't help but believe that our time on this earth is limited--- I want to make the most of it!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Fun in Savannah!

In our short visit to Savannah to see Keith's dad and his family, we were able to do some fun things! After a visit to Tybee Island on Friday we made it to the Savannah Wilderness Center. It reminded me of Grassmere (for those of you who have lived here a while). This was a learning center funded by the school system in Chatham county. It had several different animals native to the Savannah area, including alligators, cougars, foxes, black bears and wolves (yes, I said wolves). The wolf exhibit was amazing! You walked into a shelter with one side being glass. The wolves were on the other side--- in other words you were only a thick glass pane away from being eaten alive!! It was so cool! FYI- wolves are huge!!!!
We made it to the River District for a quick walk. We took a ferry ride ( I'm not sure who liked that more- me or the boys!) and then it was time to head home with a car full of VERY tired folks! We will have to go back in the Spring and do some of the many fun things that friends had suggested--- Leopold's Ice Cream Shop, The Lady and Sons restaurant, etc.
We had a great time visiting with our family and look forward to our next trip down south!!
Downtown Savannah

Fun on the ferry!

Savannah Wilderness Center

Hey Ya'll!

I wanted you all to meet my BFF, Paula. She may look a little familiar to you. She has a little television show, a magazine, a few zillion cookbooks, a restaurant, and a couple of "easy on the eyes" sons! Okay, okay, she's not my best bud- matter of fact, I've never met her nor did I even get the chance to eat in her restaurant while we were in Savannah! The closest I got was a picture of the sign of The Lady and Sons restaurant and a walk through the gift store. Oh well, maybe next time!
Savannah was a beautiful city! You knew for sure you were there the minute you saw the moss on the trees! My in-laws live in a beautiful suburb of Savannah called Richmond Hills. It's only a population of 12,000, but is absolutely beautiful. Just a side note: Oprah has a summer home at the Ford Plantation just less than a mile from their house! Too Cool! Our first stop on Friday was Tybee Island. Although it was fairly cold on the island and many things were closed for the winter, we got to walk on the beach and collect seashells and sand dollars!!! The boys had a blast!

Monday, January 5, 2009

"You'll Shoot Your Eye Out"!

I sure hope not! Of course, with a house full of boys you never know! If you're wondering what in the world I'm talking about, Carson got a BB gun for his birthday. I'm not sure who was more excited- him or his daddy! Either way, we felt Carson was old enough to handle the responsibility of such a powerful weapon (snicker, snicker). We have some friends that gave us permission to go out on their land and do some target practice. We had a great time out in the "open range" shooting at cans in a target that Pop made. Although he's got some practicing to do, Carson's a pretty good little shot! Little brother, Campbell will soon follow in Carson's footsteps as well. Who knows? Maybe there are some scholarships in their futures?? Better yet, just some good times hunting with their daddy!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Well, another Christmas has come and gone, but not without a lot of wonderful memories. It started for us with Christmas Eve service at church. This is a really special time for me because Keith and I usually get to serve communion. I always love being a part of this ministry. I, of course, get very emotional as well. I love seeing all of the families together and being able to share in such a special time.
After church it was off to Nana and Papa's (my parents). Everyone was there- except poor Keith. The Christmas season is especially busy for us because it's an especially busy time at church. This usually means we have to celebrate Christmas Eve at my parents without him. Although this year was no exception, he was able to come later that night. We ate a delicious meal and then spent the next couple of hours watching the kids open their gifts. What fun! You would have thought Toys R Us blew up in their living room!
That night we headed home and stayed up just long enough for the boys to set out milk and cookies for Santa and spread out the Reindeer food in the back yard.
Christmas morning was just as exciting! The boys came and woke Keith and me up and found that Santa did indeed leave them some gifts. They enjoyed all of their gifts! Some of the highlights were: a pocket knife, digital cameras, hat/scarf sets, STAR WARS figures and remote controlled cars. As we were opening our gifts the power went off in our whole neighborhood. That made getting ready interesting!
Later that morning it was off to Gramm and Pop's. Let me just say that when you get this family together there is usually the biggest spread of food you could ever imagine! Christmas Day was no exception. After stuffing our faces and bellies we all opened gifts. The boy grandchildren all got these HUGE Nerf machine guns. Looking back, I'm not sure if those gifts were for the kids or the dads!! Either way, they ALL had a great time with them.
All in all, it was a wonderful Christmas! It makes me, not only appreciate my family and the fact that they are all close by, but the blessings that our Lord Jesus Christ bestowed upon us all!

Carson, Keith and Campbell on Christmas Day at Gramma and Pop's
Ella Bean and Carson

Christmas morning- before the power went out!

On the way to Christmas Eve service- not before a Kodak moment though!

Campbell and cousin Chloe- you're going to have to watch out for these two- Double Trouble!